Vol. 7 No. 1 (2015): IT Penetration in enhancing culture of CLEAN ‘n’ GREEN in an Enterprise
The GJEIS as an academic Journal facilitates elegant business leaders with its research initiatives and considering the changing face of the country, for the reason that it also represents the changing face of commerce. The journal is at the moment listed in almost thirty directories in the world, equipped with power to register a unique and persistent DOI (Digital Object Identifier) from Crossref USA http://www.crossref.org, for each article. It also had an impact factor of 1.20 The journal with its present volume of 2015 focused on this part and emphasize how changes brings a paradigm shift on the plus side and create marvelous market opportunities in products and services. Mandate of a Journal is to popularize the impression of Enterprise, Information and System in business and outside business. It is designed to enlighten people that synchronization of three words is not just a financial objective, but is more ubiquitous, that is why we have to get transversely what the academics and the peers are doing and saying about technological pitch in creating a niche. We have built a global team to make GJEIS genuineness.