Paperless Society - From Vision to Fulfillment

  • Sonal Gupta *Assistant Professor, HansRaj College, University of Delhi


Every year thousands of trees are ruthlessly felled all over the world just to satisfy man’s never ending greed! In the present time
environmental degradation has emerged as a major global concern for human survival. The situation is getting alarming day-by-day.
Pulp and paper production, consumption and disposal have many negative environmental and social effects. Therefore, Going for
Paperless Society is the need of today for conservation of natural environment. 21st Century is the Digital Age. The revolutionary
potential of electronic revolution promises to transform economic and environmental gains. The present paper is an attempt to
draw kind attention towards relevance of Paperless Society and highlights the potential of Computers, Information Technology &
Networking for resolving natural environment issues to some extent. Apart from various initiatives taken up at all levels, “The Green
Movement” is still in its infant stage. By making responsible choices and by joining hands together we would certainly be able to
fulfill our vision of “Paper less Society”.

How to Cite
Sonal Gupta. (2020). Paperless Society - From Vision to Fulfillment. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 7(1), 45-53. Retrieved from
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