Vol. 8 No. 4 (2016): Free and Open Source Creating Miracle with EIS

While the expression “open source” applied initially only to the source code of software, it is nowadays being functional to numerous other areas such as Open source ecology, a progress to disperse technologies so that any human can make use of them. On the other hand, it is normally misapplied to other areas which have diverse and competing principles, which be related only moderately. The Internet has changed the production of, and access to, academic journals like GJEIS powered by Public Knowledge Project (PKP), with their contents obtainable online via services subscribed to by academic libraries. Individual articles are subject-indexed in databases such as Google Scholar. GJEIS considered to a specialized journals in an area of EIS which prepared in-house, by an academic department (KARAM Society) , and published both in print and online. At present, there is a pressure group in higher education encouraging open access, either via self-archiving, whereby the author deposits a paper in a institutional archive where it can be searched for and read, or via publishing it in a free open access journal, which does not charge for subscriptions, being either subsidized or financed by a publication fee. Given the goal of sharing scientific research to pace advances, open access has exaggerated computer journals more than humanities journals.

Published: 2019-12-17

Table of Contents

View Point (VP)

Student Research Initiatives (SRI)