Impact of Social Media on Pharmaceutical Manufacturer

  • Tarun Analytics and Insights, Tata Consultancy Services, Bangalore, Karnataka, India


Now a days, manufacturers in this competitive market are fighting to stay ahead in the race whether they have already launched
a product, product is in the market, launching a new product or it is still in a development phase to find out the people’s demand.
Social media is the platform for everyone now a days to track the activities online and the taste and preferences of the people can be
tracked. Likewise the drug manufacturers are also pitching in social media to know about the side effects of the drugs when the drug
will come to the market. Even though, they already tested the drug for any side effects but they are keen to know about the genuine feelings of consumers, which are shared on social media, about their drug. This paper delineate the side effects of drugs which
are being used by the patients for any particular disorder where we have attempted to capture and analyze the information about
some unbridled ramification of these drugs with an assumption that the significant portion of people who are under-treatment
have acknowledged their genuine feelings.

How to Cite
Tarun. (2020). Impact of Social Media on Pharmaceutical Manufacturer. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 8(4), 47-54. Retrieved from
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