Vol. 10 No. 4 (2018): EIS Strategy for Implementation of Contemporary Technology thought Omnipresent in a present State-of-Affairs

Every year, there are some technologies that are getting tons of murmur in tech industry. In past years, cloud computing, big data or Hadoop etc have gained lot of popularity. At present, blockchain unquestionably fits in this portrayal. Enterprise information system (EIS) tier, in J2EE architecture, provides an enterprise’s critical business information infrastructure. This system includes enterprise resource planning systems, relational databases and transaction processing systems. Blockchain is an ingenious invention, which is a brainchild of a person or group of people known by the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto. Many people are unaware and are raising question about what exactly is a blockchain. Blockchain technology created the backbone of a new type of internet by allowing digital information to be distributed. It was originally devised for the digital currency, Bitcoin. The use of blockchain technology can be viewed by rapid increase in publications, conferences and articles in journals. The tech community has now found many other potential uses of the technology like Blockchain, Artificial intelligence,
Internet of Thing (IoT), Machine Learning etc.