Need for Creating Trained Professionals for Development Communication - A Case Study of an ODL based Programme
Purpose: Nobel Prize-winner Amartya Sen and Jean Drèze in their book called An
Uncertain Glory have made a valid argument for the need of greater understanding of
social inequalities in India. Despite economic development. Despite being the second fastest
growing economy of the world, it is no less a worry that India stands at 131st position in
the Human Development Index of 2020. Every stakeholder is expected to contribute to
the national development to improve the quality of living standards. In the multinational
agencies’ global efforts to improve the human living conditions, Sustainable Development
Goals (SDG) are agreed upon by the United Nations’ member countries, including India,
which aims to achieve 17 SDG goals and 169 targets by 2030. Within this context, IGNOU’s
efforts are manifold, and from the media and communication discipline, it explored the need
to provide educational interventions to train the professionals for the development sectors.
Accordingly, a needs assessment study was carried out to gauge the felt demand and explored
the academic frameworks for a Diploma programme in Development Communication. The
present study is based on this research exercise to underline the role of academia in bridging
the conspicuous gap between the policy making process and citizens at the grassroot.
Research Design/Methodology: The researchers developed two sets of data collection
methods to measure the actual need for an academic programme on Development
Communication, offered through Open and Distance Learning mode with the relevant
inputs from the literature review. One method was to collect data through a questionnaire
and secondly, through Focus Group Discussion.
Findings: The main findings of this study established the need for an academic programme
in Development Communication. The Focus Group Discussion gave a framework for the
proposed programme that centers around the basic concepts on developments, understanding
necessary media skills and orientation on evaluation and monitoring through a scientific
research approach.
Originality/Value: The entire research efforts have reinforced the established trends in the
field of Development Communication education. The survey results gave empirical evidence
for the need for this programme. The Focus Group Discussions provided a framework for
the proposed Diploma programme, which reinforced the established norms such as proaccess, pro-participation and pro-government structure.
Paper Type: Case Based Study
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