The Utilisation of Information Communication Technology (Ict) for Women Empowerment: A Study in North 24 Pargana District
Purpose: Women in developing countries face barriers in accessing ICT devices like
mobile, computer and Internet. Being citizens of developing countries like India,
women’s ICT access is affected by the socio-cultural aspects and specifically in particular
to rural areas. The empowerment level and ICT access pattern are two factors affecting
the gender inequality index of the country. The purpose of the study is to explore the
access pattern, barriers of ICT usage among women and to analyse the use of ICT by
the women for empowerment.
Research Design/ Methodology: This study is based on field study and statistical
analysis of collected data. The researcher has used a quantitative approach in this
study. The researcher has collected data from surveys among rural and urban women
to access their ICT access pattern and empowerment level. The researcher uses the
interview schedule method to collect the data from the selected sample size. The
quantitative approach is chosen here as the researcher analyses the relationship between
the variables and quantification of the variables.
Findings: The study reveals that empowerment level is different in rural and urban
areas as the socio-economic situation is different in two places. Rural women don’t
have much access to ICT tools like the Internet and smartphones, while urban women
are developed in this arena. Rural women are economically active, but they mostly
belong to lower-income strata. The cultural set up of rural women is also different.
Their use of ICT in economic activity is lesser than urban women.
Originality/ Value: India is such a country where women face lots of problem with
gender discrimination in a patriarchal society. Gender inequality is more in India and
in particular to West Bengal, which is the study area. ICT provides a vast platform and
opportunity for women. Keeping this in mind the study explores the role of ICT in
women empowerment.
Paper Type: Empirical Research Papers
Copyright (c) 2021 Global Journal of Enterprise Information System
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