Deep learning Architectures is a class of Machine Learning Algorithms

  • Subodh Kesharwani


The human brain is consisted of billions of neurons which are unified by a mixture of synapses. If “enough” synaptic inputs to the neuron fires, then the neuron will also shoot. This progression is known as “accepted wisdom”. To replicate this procedure of philosophy on computers, we need to have a combination of machine learning and neural networks. This wide-ranging know-how of putting artificial brain into machine is in veracity fascinating, we humans for the reason that of our imaginative brain power has this natural instincts to go ahead of what seems not viable to craft tools and proficiency which becomes an additional room to our everyday verve, which can make decisions on our behalf and make our living tremendous well-organized. It is with this persevere on to make humans super productive the new paradigm shift have been started putting artificial intelligence to the computer machines and now time has come to go long mode to build machines which can practically believe like human brains.

How to Cite
Kesharwani, S. (2019). Deep learning Architectures is a class of Machine Learning Algorithms. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 11(3), 1-7. Retrieved from
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