360 Degree Performance Assessments: An Overview
Appraisal 360 degree entails a feedback from all those who observe a candidate and are in some way or the other affected by his
or her performance. 360 degree appraisal has long list of people who give their feedback regarding the achievements and failure
of an employee. This list includes the employee’s subordinates, peers and supervisors, not to forget self-assessment. There may be
circumstances where feedback is collected from the outer or external sources, likes suppliers, customers and related stakeholders
as well 360 appraisal has its advantages as well as its disadvantages. This program can prove to be advantageous only if it is applies
in an organization where the working climate is positive; where the objective of assessing an employee is performed with right
expectations to achieve its target. The genuine aim of the organization should be to improve the standard of its workforce.