Role of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) in Training and Development of Employees

  • Amandeep Naha


The employees of any organization are its biggest asset, and how they perform impacts the success of
that organization. It is no surprise to see organizations and businesses to boost the quality of their employees or human
capital. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is fast emerging as an accessible technology to develop intense training to
help and train the employees to understand themselves, their peers, their seniors, and the customers both professionally
and personally. The purpose behind is to improve their working relationships and achieve the desired outcomes so that
their company can get a leading edge in the competitive environment. NLP focuses on communication and behavior
changes to influence employees in different fields and organizations. NLP techniques are effective in achieving business
intelligence and build human capital. An average employee is expected to be an expert with interpersonal communication
along with carrying other skills and talents. NLP turns the employee into a skilled professional goals

How to Cite
, A. N. (2020). Role of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) in Training and Development of Employees. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 10(3), 88-96. Retrieved from
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