Digital Entrepreneurship: Prospects and Challenges in Ghana

  • Gladys Yaa Saah Oppong
  • Saumya Singh Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad
  • Pramod Pathak Professor, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology. Dhanbad,


Ghana denoted to, as the Entrance to Africa is located in the West African sub region south of the equator.
Digital Entrepreneurship is shifting the way Ghanaians do trade, collaborate and undertake dealings and accomplish
their business. It offers the means by which operations can take advantage of the digital approach transmuting their
establishments and in general economy into an understanding centered economy. There has been a quick advance of
newfangled technologies deeds principal to the supposition that a dynamic tactic for improvement is the elevation of
e-commerce in the midst of risk-taking activities. For instance, the e-commerce permits entrepreneurs to shrink expenses
and rise market attention. However, the initial charge of website development might not be inexpensive as it may possibly
necessitate software application development, hardware and upkeep cost. Online selling has widely spread as one of the
utmost imperative groundbreaking systems used for promoting products and service on the internet. The value of online
selling is actually popular everywhere in the world. Numerous companies and organizations today use online marketing
to sell their products and services online

How to Cite
, G. Y. S. O., Saumya Singh, & Pramod Pathak. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurship: Prospects and Challenges in Ghana. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 10(3), 41-51. Retrieved from
Case Study Based Papers (CSBP)
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