Manoeuvre of Electronic Entrepreneurial Ecosystem to Contemporary Indicator of Techno Business Leadership in Industry 4.0: Digital Entrepreneurship

  • Gagan Kumar B R Research Scholar, School of Management, Presidency University, Bengaluru
  • Swapan Kumar Majumdar Professor, School of Management, Presidency University, Bengaluru
  • Satish Menon Professor, Alliance School of Business, Alliance University, Bengaluru


E-Entrepreneurship is a traditional concept that already exists in the scenario. But, now the current improvement
on e-Entrepreneurship alarms to change and bring in new ideas with latest trendsof foresight business leadership named
Digital Entrepreneurship. The signature of fourth Industrial Revolution however has multiple mixture of Digitization of
entrepreneurship that evolves dissimilar proportions of business leadership atvaried socioeconomic status (SES) factors for
an Individual to start a digital venture. As many corporations started doing their business online either by selling goods and
services or connecting customer and company or even customer and customer online for exchange of refurbished goods with
space for negotiation. Such businesses are called digital business and the organization that builds such platform is called as
digital enterprise.The leadership to hold such businesses in current era is Digital Entrepreneurship. Here the question is what
does digital entrepreneurship, digital enterprise mean and who is a digital entrepreneur. Since the digital technologies and
societal transformation are being more important in current economic status. Many digital innovations are being built day by
day. Despite its significance, studies in this area are less and the concept is under-theorized. This study aims to fill the gap by
analyzing the theoretical framework and understand the growing importance of digital entrepreneurship with opportunities,
obstacles and describe the characteristic typology of digital entrepreneurship and digital enterprise in Industry 4.0 and list out
the figured reasons for the failure of digital startups. To answer these questions, I adopted some different forms of new business
venture types and also referred the research papers on technology and innovation in entrepreneurship as a theoretical lens;with
this I would like to continue the discussion on critical success factors of Digital Entrepreneurship.

How to Cite
Gagan Kumar B R, Swapan Kumar Majumdar, & Satish Menon. (2020). Manoeuvre of Electronic Entrepreneurial Ecosystem to Contemporary Indicator of Techno Business Leadership in Industry 4.0: Digital Entrepreneurship. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 10(3), 25-33. Retrieved from
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