Cyber Insurance – A Rising Market in India

  • V Gajapathy Professor, School of Management, Presidency University, Bengaluru, India
  • Reshma M Patil Research Scholar, School of Management, Presidency University, Bengaluru


Digital Marketing capturing Global markets into its stride and huge revolution happening in the way the
business transactions are being carried on, there has been an invent of many risks associated with it. Digitization with
its opportunities has also uncovered dangers such as data theft, hacking, theft of identity etc. These dangers have been
taken care at various levels of processes through software designing with integral safety of operations. Every phase has
been designed with lot of attention and care over a process of modernization and progression.
After all such security levels, still the possibility of risk is experienced, which leaves the victim with huge financial loss
and in some situations the liability goes beyond the bearing capacity of an individual or an organization. The solace
for these victims is cyber insurance. The Insurance companies cannot prevent the cyber-crimes however, they are a big
boon for reducing the financial loss in the happening of an event. Even though cyber insurance is a matured market
in the west, it is still at an infancy stage in India. This paper analyzes the market for cyber insurance in India and the
awareness of it among the digital marketers. It also studies the current policies available and its adequacy to the current
market situation and its scope.It has been evident that, India has a huge market for Cyber Insurance and it will have a
huge growth in days to come.

How to Cite
, V. G., & Reshma M Patil. (2020). Cyber Insurance – A Rising Market in India. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 10(3), 13-18. Retrieved from
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