A Bibliometric Analysis of the Usage of ‘Meta-UTAUT’: An Emerging IS/IT Acceptance Theory

  • Anchal Gulia School of Management Studies, Indira Gandhi National Open University
  • Leena Singh School of Management Studies, Indira Gandhi National Open University
Keywords: Technology | Acceptance | Meta-UTAUT | Bibliometrics | Citations


Purpose: The aim of the study is to understand and explore the bibliometric characteristics of the emerging technology acceptance theory “Meta-UTAUT”.

Design/Methodology/Approach: This study has utilized Bibliometrics approach. Using the international database Scopus, articles were retrieved on “Meta-UTAUT” which were published between 2019 (its inception) and 2024. A total of 23 papers were found in the Scopus and these were used for analysis. Key concepts, such as years, countries, subject areas, authors and paper citations were analysed using MS-Excel and VOSviewer.

Findings: Out of all the papers, most have been published in the year 2022 and in the countries of UK & India. Very few authors have been repeatedly contributing to “Meta-UTAUT” research and one paper has shown significant citations as compared to other papers. Computer Sciences and Business, Management and Accounting have come at the top in the subject areas. This study shows that the “Meta-UTAUT” is an important theory that is being used very scarcely. So, researchers can fill this theoretical gap in their subsequent research initiatives.

Originality: As per researcher’s knowledge, no study has tried to understand how “Meta-UTAUT” research is evolving since its inception. So, the study has tried to fill that gap as “Meta-UTAUT” presents a very interesting improvement in previous technology acceptance theories.

Paper Type: Research Thought

How to Cite
Gulia, A., & Singh, L. (2024). A Bibliometric Analysis of the Usage of ‘Meta-UTAUT’: An Emerging IS/IT Acceptance Theory. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 16(2), 108-113. Retrieved from https://gjeis.com/index.php/GJEIS/article/view/775
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