Customer Awareness and Adoption of Sustainable Green Banking Practices: An Empirical Study on banks in Delhi

  • Saloni Arora Assistant Professor, Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi
  • Priyanka Marwah Assistant Professor, Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi
Keywords: Environmental Degradation | Sustainability | Green Banking | Online Banking | Low Carbon Economy


Purpose: The banking sector in today’s era has taken up various initiatives through their lending and investment decisions to ensure sustainable development of the economy; Green Banking is one of them. Green Banking is an upcoming concept which means eco-friendly banking. The banks are adopting numerous strategies into their daily operations and in promoting Green Banking amongst customers so that a balance can be maintained when it comes to environmental concerns. This research highlights the awareness levels of customers in Delhi regarding Green Banking and the Green Services adopted by the customers likeOnline Banking, etc.
Design: A primary research on 200 respondents has been conducted.
Findings: It is ascertained that age is a major factor which affects the awareness levels of the customers. Also, the level of technology efficiency influences the customer’s perception towards use of Online Banking.
Value: This research studies the impact of different age levels and technology efficiency levels on Green Banking. Both these factors play a crucial role in the adoption and execution of the concept of Green Banking as they both influence the customer’s opinion towards adopting Green Banking.

How to Cite
, S. A., & Priyanka Marwah. (2019). Customer Awareness and Adoption of Sustainable Green Banking Practices: An Empirical Study on banks in Delhi. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 11(3), 26-30. Retrieved from
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