Teachers’ Satisfaction with Online Teaching: A Study of Private Senior-Secondary Schools in Delhi

  • Anil Kumar Associate Professor, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
  • Shivangi Dhawan Assistant Professor, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
  • Surender Singh Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, P.G.D.A.V College, University of Delhi, India
  • Ashwani Kumar Assistant Professor, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Keywords: Teacher Satisfaction | Online Teaching | Correlation | Private Schools | Regression Analysis


Purpose: The emerging literature on the importance of faculty satisfaction with online
teaching piqued our interest in studying faculty satisfaction in the context of seniorsecondary schools in Delhi imparting online education currently. As teachers play
such an essential role in student satisfaction, many researchers believe that increasing
work satisfaction among school teachers is one of the most excellent strategies to
improve student contentment with their online learning experiences. The survey was
conducted using the Likert Scale on 90 teachers teaching at private senior-secondary
schools in Delhi. The respondents were selected randomly from 20 private schools
in Delhi. The first objective of this study is to determine the level of student-teacher
relationships (STR), adequate training (AT), Institutional support (IS), technical
support (TS), online course design and development (OCDD), and User-friendliness
of online tools (UOT). Secondly, this study tries to identify the relationship between
student-teacher relationships (STR), adequate training (AT), Institutional support (IS),
technical support (TS), online course design and development (OCDD), and Userfriendliness of online tools (UOT) with the overall satisfaction of teachers with online
teaching. A correlation analysis was conducted to identify the relationships mentioned
earlier. Further, a regression analysis was carried out to identify the contribution of the
STR, AT, IS, TS, OCDD, UOT towards the overall satisfaction of teachers with online
teaching (OS). The data were analyzed using SPSS software. All variables correlate
positively with overall satisfaction; OCDD and UOT were the main predictors of our
model and can reliably explain the variance in teachers’ overall satisfaction with online
teaching. The findings of this study provide insights into how course development and
online teaching tools are essential for teachers’ satisfaction with online teaching.
Paper Type: Empirical Research Paper

How to Cite
Anil Kumar, Shivangi Dhawan, Surender Singh, & Ashwani Kumar. (2022). Teachers’ Satisfaction with Online Teaching: A Study of Private Senior-Secondary Schools in Delhi. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 13(4), 30-42. Retrieved from https://gjeis.com/index.php/GJEIS/article/view/658
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