Programme Evaluation Study of a Diploma Programme in Nutrition and Health Education: A Case Study from the National Open University of India
Purpose: To do programme evaluation of a programme of study in nutrition and health
Design/ Methodology/Approach: Programme evaluation in open and distance education
is an integral concept. Programme evaluation is a task which is generally taken up to review
a programme of study. Nutrition and health is an important sector in the development of
nation’s well-being and longevity. The Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHE)
is a novel, successfully running programme of the School of Continuing Education,
IGNOU. It provides for continuous professional enrichment of grass root workers and other
individuals interested in the area of health and nutrition education. There was a felt need
to conduct an evaluation study of Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education programme,
so as to analyze the relevance of the curriculum and study the effectiveness of the course
material which would lead to the revision of the programme. Secondary data was collected
from analysis of SLMs and relevant documents of this programme. Primary data was
collected from DNHE learners, academic counsellors and study center coordinators through
questionnaire and in-depth interviews.
Findings: The programme evaluation revealed that the programme was useful to all the
stakeholders. The self-learning material (SLMs) of DNHE were very well received and
appreciated. It was felt that such courses are important for continuing education and skill
development of all stakeholders working in the area of health and nutrition education.
Revision of course materials is important so as to keep the course content updated. Suggestions
to further improve the programme and promote effective delivery and implementation of the
programme have been given in the paper. With implementation of the recommendations of
the study, the programme content, delivery and other implementation aspects will be further
Originality/Value: This paper is based on research carried out to conduct programme
evaluation study for a Diploma programme in Nutrition and Health Education of an open
university with international presence. The paper demonstrates the appreciation of selflearning materials by the stake holders, and makes recommendations for further improvement
of programme content and its delivery.
Paper Type: Empirical Research Paper
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