Green Branding: New Cliché Magnetism

  • Nitika Sharma Assistant Professor, RDIAS, New Delhi, India;
Keywords: green branding, mobile branding, electronic branding and green marketing


Green is beyond the color now. We can say that green is in. From green revolution to green marketing we are still defining the new vicinity of greenness in the management. Earlier only Red & Blue were used to be the corporate colors in the industries & we were living within these boundaries. However, now this scenario is being shifted from red and blue to green. With respect to the eco-friendly symbol green also represents positive values like growth, newness, freshness, fertility, healing, and safety. For green branding only logos of the companies are not diverting, moreover whole idea of branding is shifting which includes the mobile branding and electronic branding. Eco-labeling is also being done by the organization. In addition to the techno era a pinch of greener approach is developing the sustainability in the market.

How to Cite
Nitika Sharma. (2020). Green Branding: New Cliché Magnetism. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 5(1), 44-48. Retrieved from
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