Message from Editor’s Desk
First of all I feel actually pleased and privileged to initiate myself as the Founder Editor-in-Chief of the GJEIS. We know that a message in its most broad-spectrum connotation is an entity of communiqué. It is a vessel which endows with information. Yet, it can also be this information. GJEIS which is always known for its ellipsis does not require any introduction and totally concentrate on the term information. The Acronym “EIS” is a synchronized ambitious enterprise system with an integrated suite of software modules that supports the basic in-house as well as exterior business processes of an enterprise. There is a well-built demand by policy makers, trade analysts, economists, and researchers for more wide-ranging and integrated data.
EIS no doubt should live up to these demands with the help of GJEIS which exclusively focused in this direction. It’s with significant enjoyment that we welcome GJIES fraternity and indeed the Information system community, to this fifth volume of the GJEIS with its new portal in a new avatar in association with KARAM Society and Informatics (India) Limited. The purpose of this Journal is to build a deep-seated framework of discovering and analyzing an Information system through workflow-based organizational business operations. GJEIS Invites Empirical Articles, Theme Based Articles, View Point, Case studies, Biographical Sketch of a Luminary in an area of IT, as well as new arrival “Great Enterprise Contribution to Society in Information System Perspectives” on the focused theme through its online Open Source software.