Analysis and Design of Optimum Interleaver for Iterative Receivers in Indoor Wireless Optical IDMA Scheme
This paper deals with the design of interleavers in a uncoded Wireless Optical IDMA (WO-IDMA) system, where at the receiver an
iterative turbo-like structure is employed to perform multiuser detection. The choice of the interleavers affects both the Maximum-
Likelihood (ML) performance and the impact of the suboptimality of the iterative receiver. For implementation of the interleavers
in IDMA, the challenge is to fabricate them at affordable decoding complexity with available technology. In this paper, we first
introduce various interleavers like random interleaver, master random interleaver, prime interleaver and tree based interleaver in
wireless optical IDMA scheme. Then, we perform comparison on their BER performance and implementation complexity.