Green Banking in India: Way to Sustainable Growth
On planet earth, the rich biodiversity and the varied flora and fauna along with the changing climate, weather, natural resources, all the components are integral to sustainable development. Due to the turbulence in nature, many countries are promoting pathways for environmental development at par with economic growth and are “Going Green”. It is the need of the hour and Banks being the backbone of the economy and of prime importance can help in providing with the ideas and vision for financing portfolio projects that create a strong and successful low carbon economy. The objective of the study is to highlight the responsiveness of banks in India towards the environmental uproar and to understand the action plan towards adoption of green banking practices. In the study parameters based on awareness, implementation, gaps and drivers for green banking practices in India have been studied. The performance of regional rural banks has also been mapped to study the level of their participation in green banking. The research has been conducted using a structured questionnaire in addition to the secondary data obtained from published reports.