Impact of Emotional Intelligence in Indian Retail Banking Industry: Challenges and Opportunities
The banking industry in India has a huge canvas of history, which covers the traditional banking practices from the time of Britishers
to the reforms period, nationalization to privatization of banks and now increasing numbers of foreign banks in India. Therefore,
Banking in India has been through a long journey. Banking industry in India has also achieved a new height with the changing
times. The use of technology has brought a revolution in the working style of the banks. Nevertheless, the fundamental aspects
of banking i.e. trust and the confidence of the people on the institution remain the same. The majority of the banks are still successful in keeping with the confidence of the shareholders as well as other stakeholders. However, with the changing dynamics of
banking business brings new kind of risk exposure. This study helps to know the emotional intelligence of employees working in
educational institution. It is important for the employees working in service industries to have high level or morale with emotional
intelligence. Emotional intelligence is not only crucial when you’re on the job - it’s also paramount when you’re searching for a
graduate role and going through the recruitment process.