Blurred Work - Life Frontiers: A Paradigm Shift in Employee Social Networking Privacy

  • Vikas Trivedi Institute of Law – Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India;
  • Vaishali Trivedi St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India


A large number of millenials are expected to join the workforce by the year 2020. The ‘Selfie Generation ‘as they call it, differs
from the previous generations in terms of their workplace attitudes, aspirations and technological adaptations. They exhibit great
affinity to digital world. These characteristics of millenials are going to have a strong impact on the future workplaces. Growing
popularity of digital gadgets and social media among the millennial workforce has become a cause of concern among corporate.
Digital craze among employees may make them sometimes blind to the dangers of sharing sensitive information about their
employers/ organizations which may result into troubles for the firms in question. Modern day employers have started monitoring
their employees conduct (including monitoring the employee’s social media accounts, mobile communications, laptops etc) at and
beyond official work frontiers , to their defense. But as there are always two sides to a story, this form of monitoring has put employee
privacy at risk, thereby blurring their personal-professional (life) boundaries. This paper seeks to study the contemporary trends
in employee monitoring and resulting issues concerning employee social networking privacy. The paper also seeks to address the
ethical and legal dimensions connected with employee social networking privacy.

How to Cite
, V. T., & Vaishali Trivedi. (2020). Blurred Work - Life Frontiers: A Paradigm Shift in Employee Social Networking Privacy. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 10(1), 38-44. Retrieved from
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