Security Threats in E Business with Safety and Dependability

  • Narendra Kumar Tyagi Asstt.Professor,DCE,Gurgaon,Haryana, India


Security is the main considerable part for any and every architectural quality. Critical software must be safe, secure, and dependable. Confidentiality and availability constitute part for measurement of quality consideration along with integrity. Security and most important dependability are particularly the essential part of qualities while dealing with threats in e-business. Architectural tactics, or architectural design decisions, that enhance one aspect of dependability can decrease security and vice versa. The quality attributes are measured on various scales of references. These scales are sometimes not quantitative. This makes it multi scale problem. This paper proposes a qualitative approach to manage the transactions and exchange among the attributes used to def security threats in e-business.

How to Cite
, N. K. T. (2020). Security Threats in E Business with Safety and Dependability. Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 2(2), 68-71. Retrieved from
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